
In supporting our clients in planning, coordinating, and executing projects according to their specific requirements and constraints. We will support you on the work performed on all of the activities related to the project, from conceptualization, implementation to completion. Emphasis is placed on creating and maintaining project milestones and the project schedule. Our objective is for our clients to complete their projects successfully, on time and within the agreed upon scope and on budget.

complex projects

Globally have become a way of life for most leading-edge organizations. However, the same can-not be said for small to medium sized (SME’s) companies, which do not have the resources nor the expertise or experience to mitigate and manage such projects on an international scale. Whilst these projects can bring substantial benefits, if not properly managed, they can have a real negative impact on the overall business performance.


With global reach and experience, can help your organisation manage its international project portfolio, identify and lower your overall risks, enhance the projects eventual performance and ensure the successful completion, which will impact your organisations overall reputation.

We help

Achieve project objectives within the scope, time, and budgetary constraints. We can also help optimise the allocation of resources and integrate the inputs that will drive the completion of the project’s objectives. Ventivity will support your organisation in the development of a project plan to ensure it addresses the broader goals and specific objectives. We will also work with you to identify tasks, describes how goals will be achieved, and quantify the resources that are needed.

Ventivity project management services offer an objective, professional approach to managing the many risks associated with the project implementation. We have an extensive experience of supporting our clients in complex projects and in far reaching parts of the globe. .


Established methodologies and leading concepts and industry best practices, which may be applied to various types of projects which involve rigorous compliance or oversight.

Companies often operate in dynamic environments which often make it a challenge to satisfy constant business requirements. If not systematically managed, this can lead to serious risks for the overall organisation’s reputation, and at times, even a major financial burden, which could risk the overall health of the company.

Our experienced team
of project managers

Can help to define the overall project budget and specific timelines for task completion. While your organisation will be managing the overall plan, our team will support you in a project management support function to ensure within a recognized framework that accurate and objective reporting is being done on a scheduled basis. For example, if a milestone is delayed or will not be met on time, then our team will support you to take corrective action, prior to the penalties being initiated.

The Project begins with planning to achieve a goal. Many questions about a project must be considered before the project even begins:

Why is the project being initiated?

What problem is being solved?

Who are the project's stakeholders?

The stakeholders are the «customers» of the project as well as anyone else that may be impacted.

How does the project fit in with the organization's goals and priorities?

When is the target date of completion for the project?


used throughout a project’s management is known as the project plan and includes:




Communication is an important aspect

of project management that cannot be forgotten throughout the course of the project. All of a project’s stakeholders should receive regular updates via email, meetings or conference calls. Communication during all phases of the project can help avoid costly rework at a later date. Our team will be on call to support you to achieve all your objectives both successfully and on time.

Ventivity utilises specialised technology to help our clients manage their project execution. Our team can help our clients to create charts in the following areas:

The traditional

to project management is based on sequential steps. It has evolved to handle projects that clearly state a need, target date, and cost. The steps may vary by individual organisation, and our team will support you in the following tasks:


Reduce the risk of project failure by improving practices in scope change, issues related to management, planning, scheduling, resource management, budgeting, quality assurance, and communication.

Our experienced team is on call 24 hours, 7 days a week, and can be positioned anywhere in the world at short notice, or can become part of your execution team on site. Our total existence and goal is only achieved when our clients have satisfied their business targets.